McKinley Lodge #712 F&A M
330 68th Place
Schereville, IN 46375
(219) 322-6590
Schereville, IN 46375
(219) 322-6590
McKinley Lodge #712 is a fraternity in history and is a worldwide Brotherhood. Through the Three(3)Freemasons lodge with 105 years old Charter. Freemasonry is the oldest Degrees of Masonry, Lessons of Morality, Virtue, Faith, Hope, and Charity are conferred on the candidate. Our teachings enable a candidate to become closer to his Supreme Creator, and become a better man, citizen and consequently increases the welfare of the community and world at large.
Mission Statement
Making the world a better place to live through responsible and moral service to our fellow citizens.
Stated Meeting:1st Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Called Meeting:Every Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Craft Practice and Social NightEvery Monday 6:00 p.m.
Brothers make sure you "CLICK HERE" below, to log into The Grand Lodge Member Portal. You can update your personal information, pay dues, and access many Grand Lodge Resources. Should you encounter any issues with Log-In, contact Grand Lodge at 1-317-634-7904; or Secretary Denis Goulet at 219-629-1726
Past Masters of McKinley Lodge 712